🏩 Dr David Godler is an Associate Professor at the University of Melbourne, and group leader of Diagnosis and Development Laboratory at the Murdoch Children's Research Institute (MCRI) in Australia.
He has pioneered many aspects of Fragile X syndrome and Chromosome 15 imprinting disorders as part of unique rare disease cohort studies (including one the world’s largest prevalence study), is an inventor of multiple families of patented diagnostic & screening technologies, and has been recognized by Expertscape to be in the top 1% of scholars globally publishing on topics related to intellectual disability over the past 10 years.
David is a Principal Investigator on a 5-year newborn screening program from the Genomics Health Futures Mission, Medical Futures Research Fund. This program will assess benefits of extended #genomic newborn screening workflow developed by his group on 100,000 infants from whole-of-state birth cohort called Generation Victoria.
This cohort will be screened for #genetic differences that can be associated with #FragileX #PraderWilli, #Angelman, #Dup15q, #Turner, #XXY, #XXXY and #XXYY #chromosomal variations.
We are honored to announce Dr David Godler’s joining of The Chromodiversity™ Foundation Advisory Board.